Professor Fu of Zhejiang University successfully solved the problem of 3D printing cell nutrition ma

On June 8, 2015, professor Fu of the research group of mechanical engineering of Zhejiang university developed an organ
printing process. At the same time printing the organization structure and printing the internal nutrition transport channel,
successfully solved the problem of the nutritional maintenance of 3D printed cells. With nutrients, cells can “live” longer,
which makes 3D printing of large organs possible.
Organ printing, is use 3D printing, to sediment biological ink containing cell layer by layer accurately, so as to construct
three-dimensional structure containing cells, on the basis for subsequent training, to obtain the organization we want.
Printing “living things” is far more difficult than printing the usual three-dimensional model. “Tissues are filled with
delicate blood vessels, which are channeling nutrients. We need to reconstruct these ‘blood vessels’ in vitro.’ This is a hot
issue in 3D printing. Because the gel materials used for printing are very soft, the existing ideas are printing first and then
“secondary printing” which is not ideal.
The idea of the research group is to print the organizational structure and nutrient transport flow path at the same time. In
one experiment, they found that the two gel wires extruded by using coaxial nozzle to squeeze the hollow gel silk can fuse
together and have certain strength. “Because the gel fiber is hollow inside, it should be able to use it for nutrient delivery.”
said He Yong. Inspired by this, the research group spent a year trying to print organs based on hollow gel fibers.
Is once molding process reliable?” In addition to the convenience of the process, a series of experiments have demonstrated
the superiority of this process,” he said. The flow path not only stabilizes the delivery of nutrients, but also enables
macromolecular nutrients to penetrate into the cells.
According to the introduction, this method can be widely used in the fields of organ, gel-base microfluidic chip, cell sensor
chip and drug screening chip.